Invisalign Post Op
You will wear your aligners for approximately 20-22 hours per day, removing them only to eat, brush and floss. It is important to avoid leaving aligners out of the mouth for more than 30 minutes, especially during the first 72 hours of each new aligner. For optimal results, you should start each NEW aligner after an early dinner and do not remove them until breakfast the following morning keeping the aligners in for a minimum of 12 hours. Invisalign aligners are strongest during the initial 12 hours of use. In fact, the aligner strength decreases between 30-40% after those initial 12 hours of use. If the aligners are in place for 12 hours straight before their first removal, a vast majority of the stage’s movements will have already taken place (approximately 1⁄2) and therefore will be much easier to remove resulting in a better outcome.
Each aligner is designed to guide your teeth to a more ideal position. Approximately every two weeks, you will switch to the next aligner in the series. For optimal results, small tooth-colored attachments or build-ups may be bonded to one or more teeth during the course of treatment. Please be sure to keep an eye on how your aligners are tracking with the attachments adhered to your teeth. If the aligners are not lining up with the attachments or you have any questions, please contact our office. The doctors will remove these attachments at the appropriate time, usually at the end of treatment. In some instances teeth may require minor slenderizing (interproximal reduction) in order to create space to allow for tooth movement. Any questions about this procedure should be discussed with the doctor.
The aligners are clear and therefore can discolor if drinking coffee, tea, wine, dark juices or anything that is not a clear liquid. It is recommended that the beverage of choice while wearing the aligners is water. You can remove your aligners to drink one of the above mentioned beverages but before replacing the aligner it is recommended that you brush your teeth or at least rinse your mouth with water.
The aligners should be removed to eat food and teeth should be brushed before placing the aligners back on the teeth since food left in the teeth can cause decay, decalcification (permanent tooth discoloration) or gum disease. Poor brushing, consuming sugary foods and snacking between meals should be eliminated as they can negatively affect dental health. Invisalign patients are expected to continue routine cleanings and checkups with their dentist.
Wearing your aligners
● Aligners should always be worn 22 hours / day● Start wearing each new aligner at night (do not take out for 8 – 12 hours) ● It is important to avoid leaving aligners out of the mouth for longer than 30 minutes especially during the first 3 days of each new aligner ● Always use a “chewie/clenchy” to seat the aligner (biting them into place can damage them) ● Insert aligners: Front to Back● Remove aligners: Back to Front (always use both hands to avoid cracking the aligner) ● Don’t forget to continue with regular dental checkups / cleanings throughout treatment Caring for your aligners ● Clean / rinse your aligners prior to each insertion (including brand new ones) ● Aligners should be thoroughly cleaned with cold water & toothpaste twice / day● Inspect your attachments daily (if one is missing please contact the office to have it replaced) ● Any rough edges can be smoothed using a nail file / emery board or sand paper ● If you lose an aligner (try not to!), please jump ahead to the next aligner and make up the extra days
- ○ if traveling always bring 2 extra aligners with you just in case!
● You can identify which number aligner you are wearing by reading the code printed on them
Eating / Drinking
● Aligners should be removed to eat anything● Aligners should be removed for drinking anything except cool water● Ideally brush your teeth after every meal before re-inserting (if not - rinse thoroughly with water)
● Always store your aligners & “chewie/clenchy” in the case - keep away from pets! ● Never put your aligners in a napkin/tissue – they will get thrown away by mistake!● Never put your aligners in your pocket or purse – they will get damaged● Keep your new aligners somewhere at home that is safe and temperature controlled● Keep your most previously worn aligner as a backup if needed (you do not need to keep the rest) \
Q - Will the treatment be painful?A - Most people experience tooth soreness for a few days after starting each new tray (tray 1 is the worst). This is normal and a sign that the aligners are working. Any OTC pain medication can be taken during this time (Ibuprofen / Advil works the best). A few canker sores may also develop periodically
Q - Will wearing Invisalign affect my speech?A - Like all orthodontic treatments, aligners may temporarily affect speech resulting in a mild lisp. This usually goes away after a few days. During this time more saliva production is also normal
Q - Will I be finished with my treatment when I get to the last tray?A - Almost all patients require 1 – 2 rounds of aligners to perfect their bite. After you have been scanned for a new set please wear your current aligners only at night until the new ones arrive