Surgical Extractions Post Op
If you have any problems, please call the office as soon as possible. Patients who have undergone oral sedation (xanax, valium, etc.) should be carefully attended by a responsible adult for at least six hours after leaving the office. The patient is not permitted to drive or to operate machinery after the surgery.
● The sutures or stitches are on the inside of your mouth● They are made of a material that will dissolve on its own in approximately 10 to 14 days● If you have any problems or irritation with the sutures, call us
Pressure Gauze Pads:
● Gauze pads have been placed between your teeth at the incision site● Keep gentle pressure by keeping your teeth together for 30-45 minutes after surgery. After this time, throw the gauze away and do not replace● If you continue to have heavy bleeding, please call us
Oral Hygiene:
● Oral hygiene is important for proper healing ● You should wait until the day after your surgery to begin brushing your teeth● Starting tomorrow, brush gently near the incision site● Avoid using commercial mouthwash. Instead, use the Peridex mouthwash until your follow up appointment
Immediately following your surgery, your diet should consist of the following:
● Liquids, Jell-O, cool soup broth, carbonated beverages, pudding, milkshakes, ice cream and oatmeal● As your healing progresses and you feel more comfortable you may eat scrambled eggs, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, etc● Avoid hard crunchy foods and remain on a soft diet until your follow up appointment (if needed)● Do not eat anything hot until the numbness has worn off to prevent burning your tongue and/or lips
Allergies to Medication:
● It is important to take all medication as prescribed● Avoid taking medication on an empty stomach as this may cause nausea and/or vomiting ● If you feel you've developed an allergy to any of the prescribed medications, please STOP using them and call the office immediately
Avoiding Postoperative Complications:
● Avoid smoking and/or alcohol as they may cause postoperative complications. We strongly recommend abstinence until your healing has completed ● It is important following your surgery that you avoid the following:
- ○ Drinking out of a straw
- ○ Spitting
- ○ Inhaling of a cigarette
● These may cause the clot that has been formed to become dislodged and increase the risk of a dry socket forming
Swelling and Discoloration:
● Swelling and discoloration are a normal part of the healing process, so don't be alarmed ● Swelling will reach its peak following the first 48-72 hours● Cold compresses should be applied as soon as possible to diminish swelling. They should be applied to the cheek area as follows every hour for the first day:
- ○ On for 15 to 20 minutes
- ○ Off for 15 to 20 minutes
● A bag of frozen peas work well, as they are lighter than ice and contour to the area well ● Elevate your head and shoulders on two pillows at rest to help decrease the swelling and will improve your comfort
Women taking Birth Control Pills:
● Please be aware that taking any antibiotics including penicillin can interfere with the effectiveness of oral contraceptives (birth control pills). For this reason, we recommend that women taking the pill should use an additional method of contraception while taking antibiotics